Mahaleb Seed Oil

Cold pressed Mahaleb seed oil is extracted from Egyptian Mahaleb seed. Prunus mahaleb the mahaleb cherry is a species of cherry tree. The tree is cultivated for a spice obtained from the seeds inside the cherry stones. Mahaleb (mahlab) seeds contain a considerable quantity of oil that is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids primarily α‐eleostearic acid followed by linoleic acid. The high oleic acid content makes this oil nutritionally valuable and a good source of EFSs.


- Strengthens the immune system.

- Improves blood circulation.

- Maintain healthy liver function

- Improves thyroid function

- Reduces osteoporosis

- Treats Rheumatism

- Reduces varicose veins

- Reduce hair loss

Directions for use

Oral Administration

External Application

It can be applied directly on hair and skin.

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